No way, so they say. You just cut and pasted a photo of 'Queen Elizabeth' rose onto some old bush in your yard. This is one of our newer Camellia sasanqua introductions, October Magic TM Dawn .
During the 1990s Tom Dodd Jr. created some remarkable Camellia "sasanquas" from seed taken from a number of choice Camellia "Hiemalis Group". His work became our inspiration for beating the squirrels to our seed during Septembers. The C.hiemalis are much like C.sasanqua (botanists make little distinction) yet the garden appearance and often durability is markedly (and often marketability) different. But more on that in later posts. For now, lets just be content with the fact I learned to upload a picture. October Magic TM Dawn is an upright, bushy shrub, slower growing (but not weak.) You can expect a 3'-5' by 3' shrub in four to six years. The flower pictured is typical but fairly often semidouble and informal peony-appearing flowers mingle among the foliage. The heavy bloomer gives an extended performance in mid to late fall. Coming soon to a Zone 7-9 garden center near you.